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Home > Langues étrangères > The biggest plot of all time

Langues étrangères

The biggest plot of all time

Slim Elizar (Auteur)

Nombre de pages en A4 : 59

Version publiée le 20 December 2019 - (Première publication sur Edition999 le 14 October 2019)

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11225 lecteurs ont feuilleté le livre

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4.43/5 sur 14 votants

Thème :
Langues étrangères

La quatrième de couverture

It describes the dark relationships between Humans & Aliens

La première page

The greenhouse phenomenon has become fashionable in recent years, its origin comes from what is seen in a greenhouse when its temperature significantly increases much more than the external temperature, but these followers do not explain the reason for this increase.
In fact solar radiation carries energy, and consequently any body that absorbs this radiation will see its temperature increase until an equilibrium is established between the energy emitted and the energy received, in the case of ’a greenhouse is the objects that heat up and not the air in the greenhouse, the same thing happens in a closed car, the light through the windows warms the table and the seats which in turn warm the air surrounding, and as the car or greenhouse is a closed space and somehow isolated from the outside it is normal that its internal temperature will increase in a very clear way.
The greenhouse effect is used effectively in solar water heaters that can reach temperatures near the boiling point of the water and even more using another fluid, this feat is possible by the insulation and the volume restricted heated by solar radiation.
The same thing happens in the atmosphere, the morning is usually the time when the temperature is the lowest, after the sunrise the temperature starts to increase.


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